Sportspitch de Diemen

HC Diemen
The Netherlands

The municipality of Diemen wanted to redesign Sportpark De Diemen in a sustainable, climate-adaptive manner with sustainable materials and applications.

SolutionsBluelay in combination with Permavoid
Square meter
Water capacity
Used products
How we do it

Part of this redesign was the construction of a water field. It was decided to use the Permavoid system under the water field in which, together with the BlueLay, which also has a cooling effect on the artificial grass through evaporation, 650.000 liters of water can be stored. This water buffer is directly connected to the irrigation system. Cooling with (rain)water that is stored in the Permavoid units during every rain shower. There is no longer any puddle formation on the field, because the field drains directly and the rainwater is stored under the entire playing field. In this way, irrigation with the conventional method is prevented, resulting in savings on (drinking) water.

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